
Class Schedule:Guting Songjiang Prenatal Space
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Megan Ni
Megan Ni

Professional Experience

Yoga Review

Bodhi Yoga was Megan and Gemma’s brainchild five years ago, and Megan continues to lead the studio into uncharted and stimulating directions (she’s currently looking into opening a vegetarian restaurant where students can eat and bond after yoga class).

The secret to the studio’s success is the same as the secret to Megan’s success: she never stops learning. At least twice a year, she’s either in the US or in Thailand deepening her practice. In Thailand, she usually practices under her longtime mentor, Paul Dallaghan, who runs the Centered Yoga Institute in Thailand (www.yoga-thailand.com). She also has a daily personal practice routine that consists of Ashtanga Vinyasa, silent sitting and pranayama (learned under Pranayama Master Sri O.P. Tiwari).

Megan teaches regular Ashtanga, Hatha Flow, Gentle Yoga and Pranayama classes at Bodhi Yoga. Taking any of her classes will leave you wanting and coming back for more, and your appetite will never be satiated because Megan is always learning more. Yoga is a never-ending journey and Megan shares her yoga journey with all her teachers, students and her studio.